Dollars and sense: Funding support from Health Research Services
The process of securing and managing research funding can often divert researchers’ attention from the vital breakthroughs that can transform clinical practice and improve health outcomes. The Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS) wants researchers to focus on these pivotal advancements, not the monetary maze.
That’s where Health Research Services (HRS) steps in, providing guidance and support to ensure research is well-funded, well-managed, and poised for success.
“Our team’s funding support services are comprehensive and designed to assist you at every stage of the application process, which will in turn increase your chances of success,” says Tracy Arabski, director of HRS.
How HRS can help you secure potential funding
Whether you’re looking for funding or are working on an application, the HRS team can help you every step of the way. They can assist with identifying potential opportunities, reviewing applications, or obtaining the necessary approvals.
A senior grant advisor can work with you to:
- Identify funding opportunities in health sciences
- Provide information on all aspects of grant application
- Assist with budget development
- Review grant submissions
- Ensure grant submission comply with agency and institutional guidelines
- Help to obtain all necessary institutional signatures
HRS internal deadlines are generally two weeks prior to agency deadlines to ensure time to review the application and obtain all necessary signatures. The more information researchers provide, and the earlier HRS receives an application to review, the more helpful HRS staff can be.
How HRS can help you after you receive the grant (also known as “post-award”)
Once funds have been awarded, HRS assists with the drafting and negotiation of agreements as well as issues pertaining to ethics and conflict of interest related to grants. HRS will also help researchers with obtaining a research project in order to access their grant funds, while adhering to; university policies, the terms of the grant agreement and granting agency policies. HRS will support you to:
- Draft and negotiate agreements on your behalf
- Address ethics and conflict of interest issues related to your grants
- Assist in setting up your research project to access your grant funds
- Ensure you follow university policies, grant agreements, and agency policies
Effective management of your research funding is crucial to your project’s success, and HRS is here to support you every step of the way.
You can learn more about the support available to you in securing and managing funding on the HRS website.
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