Executive Vice-Dean and Associate Vice-President (Academic)
Dina Brooks
Executive Vice-Dean and Associate Vice-President (Academic)
My role as Executive Vice-Dean and Associate Vice-President (Academic) (EVD-AVPA) is to work in tandem with the Dean and Vice-President to manage the academic and operational functions of the Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS). As part of this, I collaborate closely with the Provost and Vice-President (Academic), Vice-Provosts, Faculty Deans and other senior leaders across the university and with the Associate Vice-President (Global Health), Vice-Deans, Associate Deans, Department Chairs, and Associate Vice-President & Chief Administrative Officer within FHS.
How I describe my role:
The Faculty of Health Sciences makes up half of the university and the Dean is also a Vice-President of the university. Given the vastness and scope of the Dean and Vice-President’s portfolio, many of the Decanal duties that are required of the Dean are managed by me as part of my role as EVD-AVPA.
What do I do?
I represent the Dean and Faculty across the university campus. This includes representing the Faculty on committees but also collaborating on new initiatives that involve FHS.
I also lead and oversee many aspects of the functioning of FHS. Here are three examples:
- Participate in the accreditation of the professional schools; serving as the senior academic leader in Institutional Quality Assurance Process (IQAP) and other reviews as required.
- Oversee the academic infrastructure including the Health Sciences Library, Faculty Secretariat, and the Office of Respectful Conduct in Clinical & Academic Environments (ORCCA).
- Oversee, in conjunction with the Dean, the strategic direction and operations of the offices of the Associate Dean, Indigenous Health and the strategic direction and operations of the office of the Associate Dean, Equity and Inclusion and provide indirect oversight to the offices of the Vice-Dean of Faculty Affairs, the Vice-Dean of Education, and the Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences and Associate Dean of Graduate Studies.
I am available to discuss ideas and support leaders within the Faculty of Health Sciences, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.
Dina Brooks
Executive Vice-Dean and Associate Vice-President (Academic)
Phone: (905) 525-9140 x 22110
Web: McMaster Experts