Message from Saroo Sharda, Associate Dean of Equity and Inclusion
One of our most important initiatives related to equity & diversity that is currently underway is the Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS) climate survey task force, which I am co-chairing with my colleague, Dr. Bernice Downey. The task force group is a diverse group of decanal leaders, Faculty members and staff, who are now prioritizing action items from the survey, which many in FHS participated in last year. More details about the action items and timelines are forthcoming.
The strategic planning process for my office is almost complete. I am grateful to all the Faculty leadership, as well as the Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Indigenous Reconciliation (EDIIR) committee, EDIIR leads and others, who engaged in focus groups and training sessions with our facilitators. The feedback about the process has been overwhelmingly positive with one leader noting, “what a truly exceptional experience I found this to be… outstanding facilitator who balanced discussion with information delivery, was very collaborative, supportive and reflective…one of the most positive and engaging exercises in this realm I have had the opportunity to participate in.” I look forward to sharing the final outcome and plan in due course.
My office is also hiring a manager who will be key in steering forward the strategic plan, and providing expertise and support to operationalize the equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) and anti-oppressive goals of the office.
Dr. Downey and I have also been working with the Faculty Secretariat to update the clinical faculty recruitment policy to ensure equity best practices are incorporated into hiring, much like they have been for MUFA faculty. This policy will go to Faculty Executive in the coming weeks and then to Senate for final approval.
To this end, I’m pleased to highlight the Employee Equity Facilitator Program, which aims to train, support and coordinate a decentralized group of McMaster faculty members and staff hiring managers to facilitate the advancement of institutional and faculty/departmental employment equity priorities and goals. FHS has a number of trained employee equity facilitators. If you are interested in joining the program, please visit the Employee Equity Facilitator Program to register for the upcoming orientation and training, happening on October 10 and 11, 2023.
While there is well deserved excitement about the work and our expanding team, we know that marginalized communities still do not enjoy the safety and belonging that is their right. It is important for us to reaffirm McMaster University and the Faculty of Health Sciences’ unwavering dedication to fostering inclusivity and ensuring our campus remains safe and welcoming to all. We recently communicated our support of 2SLGBTQIA+ communities and their right to safe education and healthcare.
As always, I am here to connect with anyone in FHS who has questions. A centralized list of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Leads in the Faculty of Health Sciences has been added to the new Faculty of Health Sciences website for those wanting to connect with someone in their school, department or office within the Faculty. Many resources and courses are listed on the website, and I encourage you to explore them. The MacPherson Institute has also curated a number of inclusive teaching and learning resources which can be found on their website.
A reminder that we have the Womens’ Symposium coming up, where speakers will be discussing the theme of “transitions”. Dr. Ruth Chen and I are grateful to have many renowned people joining us, including Dr. Lynn Ashdown speaking on her experiences as a disabled physician, Dr. Sheila Wijaysinghe discussing menopause and sexual health, Dr. Mamta Gautam sharing expertise on burnout and Amie Archibald-Varley sharing her journey of anti-Black racism and advocacy in nursing. We hope that many of you join us. The event is open to all.
Thank you all for your ongoing commitment to equity, anti-racism and anti-oppression. Allyship actions big and small will continue to move us forward in tangible ways.
Saroo Sharda
Associate Dean of Equity and Inclusion
Faculty of Health Sciences