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Fostering Equity, Anti-Racism, and Community in Health Sciences

Message from Saroo Sharda, Associate Dean of Equity and Inclusion

It is an honour to be joining the Faculty in this inaugural role. The importance of moving equity, inclusion, anti-racism and anti-oppression work forward in an action oriented way cannot be over emphasized.

It is heartening to see that so much is already happening in this realm across the Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS), and through leadership built on transparency, collaboration, community building and accountability, my vision is that we can advance inclusive excellence in a tangible, measurable way in all aspects of our work and relationships. My hope is that each of us hold ourselves accountable, in big ways and small, for creating cultures of belonging and being co-conspirators in this equity journey.

I commenced this inaugural role on February 1, 2023. I spent the first two months meeting with many people across the Faculty and have been struck by their thoughtfulness and commitment to this work. I also recognize the need for greater structures, support and processes so that the work of equity, inclusion, anti-racism and anti-oppression can be better aligned across the Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS) and can become truly integrated into all aspects of our strategy, policies, teaching and operations.

A strategic planning process is now underway so that we can create a fulsome and thoughtful vision for how we move forward the essential work of equity, inclusion, anti-racism and anti-oppression at FHS, including co-creating a vision and strategy which will centre those most harmed by oppressive structures and call to action all of us who hold privilege and power within systems.

As the associate dean of equity and inclusion, I am committed to transparency, accountability, humility in this process and in all of my work. I also acknowledge that the work of anti-racism and anti-oppression will be done alongside the work of Indigenous Reconciliation in the spirit of the two-row Wampum approach. I am honoured to work with my colleague Dr. Bernice Downey and the team at IHLL to uphold the two-row philosophy in all that we do.

Saroo Sharda

Associate Dean of Equity and Inclusion
Faculty of Health Sciences