Pitch Your Project
Mar 18, 2025
12:00PM to 2:00PM
Date(s) - 18/03/2025
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Could you explain your research — in just three minutes, with just one slide?
The MIRA Trainee Network presents Pitch Your Project, an exciting networking and knowledge exchange opportunity that invites trainees from all levels to present their research in concise “three-minute thesis” style. McMaster trainees will be presenting the “Why?” behind their aging research at this networking and knowledge sharing event.
Trainees from all levels are invited to give a three-minute talk about their research using just one slide. Learn how to effectively “elevator pitch” your project, learn about the exciting research of your peers, network with colleagues and enjoy some refreshments with the McMaster aging research community.
Presenter registrants will also attend a valuable orientation meeting on February 12, 2025 where they will learn helpful knowledge-translation tools and tricks to maximize the impact of their presentation and hone skills that will be useful throughout your research career.
Please share with colleagues, lab mates, friends, and supervisors – all trainees are invited to present, and faculty members and other members of the aging research community are welcome to attend. Join the McMaster Institute for Research on Aging (MIRA) Trainee Network for an in-person series of “3-Minute Thesis” style presentations from trainees in aging research across the university.