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Submit a Story Idea

Is there a new initiative, upcoming research publication, or compelling story within the Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS) you think we should know about? Complete the below form and we will get back to you within 48 hours, Monday to Friday.

Submissions will be considered for promotion based on relevance, volume and strategic alignment. Please note storytelling takes time, and so we ask that you provide notice ahead of any important dates your submission may be tied to.

Your Contact Information

McMaster University Affiliation

Project Information

You may select more than one category.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 10 files.
Instructions: Please provide a featured image (1200x675) with minimal or no text within the picture or a link to your image in your document or instructions. You may provide additional content (15MB max combined).

Important: To be AODA compliant, ensure alt text and caption for all images are included as well as links for QR codes. Include them in your document or instructions.